Web Design Solutions
Business owners need professional websites which generate targeted leads. We help you make that happen!
Business Package
The Business Package is ideal for:
- Small to large businesses needing a simple but professional web presence.
- Ability to upgrade when your business grows.
- Manage all web content with an easy-to-use online Content Management System (CMS).
Included in Package:
- Original Website Backup, if you already have a website and wish to replace it
- Dot com Domain Name
- Customised Professional CSS Web Design Template - you choose a CSS template and we customise it match your colours and images (view templates or give us 3 links to websites you admire)
- Bonus: Simple text-based logo design (if required)
- Five web pages included (client creates additional pages), for example:
- Home page
- About page
- Contact page
- Contact Thank You page
- Products/Services/etc page
- Full Content Management System (CMS)
- Secure Login
- WYSIWYG content editor in CMS
- Ability to add links, and upload PDF files, and images to content
- Web Statistics & Analytics
- Webpages can be optimised for search engines - ask for quote
- Meta Tag and Page Title management
- Ability to upgrade your site at any time
Hosting Particulars
- 250 MB Data Space (suitable for the average website, more available by request at $A5/month per 250MB or part)
1 GB Monthly Traffic (suitable for the average website, more available by request at $A10/month per 1Gb or part) - 10 Email Accounts
- Web mail access from anywhere in the world
- Domain name delegation and hosting setup
- Installation Price - please contact me for a detailed quotation
- We have Payment Terms
- Hosting is included in Website Maintenance Plan
- Domain Name Registration
- .com $US17.00 per year
- Australia .com.au $US77 for 2 years
- Other Domains from other Countries - please ask us.
Website Maintenance Plan
- compulsory - $50 per month
- all Hosting Costs every year
- automatic Search Engine Resubmission of edited/changed pages each month
- priority turn-around on requested small changes/edits (fix a misspelled word, change an image, fix a broken link, add a new Affiliate Program, etc) up to 30 minutes per month. After the 30 minutes is used, my normal hourly rate for one-on-one support is $197/hr. You will also have access to other online support free of charge via videos tutorials and articles
- automatic Search Engine Resubmission of XML Sitemap (web pages changed/edited) each month.
Optional : SEO Package
If you would like help to make sure your pages are optimised for the search engines, please read the Search Engine Optimisation page. Pricing depends on how many keywords and how many pages.
Optional Extras
What happens now?
Once you sign up, you will be able to access simple videos to get started in our Client Area:
Video 1 : how to login
Video 2 : how to add new pages
Video 3 : how to add text and images, etc
plus other Videos for all features of the BAWT CMS.
If you would like access to view the videos before you sign, please contact us and ask for temporary access to the Video Tutorials.
Now you will be able to manage your own website on your own! You'll be in total control.
Now you need to simply start writing your pages with 150-400 words per page, based on one keyword (or keyword phrase) per page, add your own graphics to the look and feel you want, and you're all set!
Feel free to ask questions via the Live Chat on this page, or cantact me by phone in Australia on (+61) 0408-801-808, (please check the timezones before calling between 10:00am - 4:00pm Mon - Fri) or email to :
info [at] buildawebsitetonight [dot] com
I look forward to helping you get your business online, and bringing targetted traffic to your website.