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1 - Create a Backlink with Posterous
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Business Planning for a Tea Room Step 2
Business Planning for a Tea Room
Your Biz Hot Tips 2011 April 30 Newsletter
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Don't be ripped off by unscrupulous Domain Renewal companies
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Review of Steve Wiideman's SEO Webinar
Your Biz Hot Tips 2011 March 31
YBHT - How to save a webpage as a PDF
Please make your Payment in AUD
Please make your Payment in USD
Is it OK to use hyphens in SEO
SEO Bite Size Tips 2011 March 29
BuildAWebsiteTonight Client News Video Tips Archive
Does your website look great in search engine results?
Backup Schmackup - How To Backup Your Computer Before You Need To
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Why every website needs a Facebook Fan Page
Overview: How do I manage my Wordpress website?
Teena's Tips for Travel Websites
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Setting Up Your Facebook Business Page
Questions & Answers on TrafficGeyser
Setting up Email Account with Outlook Express
Setting up Email Account with Outlook 2003
Setting up Email with cPanel Hosting 2010
Training Course How to Make a Video using Photos
Latest News
"Hey Teena, do you have a quick tip to boost my website online?"
The first GMail video tip covers the "all mail" link and the use of the Calendar feature.
Upload and crop an image for a new banner on the Wordpress Twenty-Ten Theme.
Create a new banner for Wordpress' Twenty-Ten Theme and upload.
<< back to Wordpress Video Tutorials | View Video 2 >>
Learn how to create a website using Website Tonight and Godaddy.
Wordpress Images - learn the SEO tips when naming and describe them.
Grabbing a morning latte, enjoying a crunchy warm croissant in Leichhardt with some fabulous and friendly locals, a bit of a chat about tech stuff and a soupcon of business networking without the pushy hype :-)
Morning latte and croissants in Leichhardt with some lovely locals, a bit of a chin wag about tech stuff and business.
The long-awaited iPad today makes history -- 3rd April, 2010

Today I attended my second meet-up/tweet-up and met even more interesting folk over a latte in Leichhardt (Sydney).

Today I met an inspiring group of people at an informal coffee meeting in Leichhardt (Sydney).
Office closed during June, with Support Centre open 24/7
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o Intro
o Comments
o 8 Free Ebook Downloads for Every Business
o Interviews With A Twist
o Blog Lines
o Images - here is some help!
o Articles - 3 new ones
o How to Plan A Website - 5 fabulous links
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Hi everyone, and welcome to our new customers!
You're receiving this email because you are a client of, for websites, hosting and/or domains or have received or signed up for info on other services or products.
Thanks to everyone for your continued involvement with us and our business - your input, ideas, questions and suggestions via the website are always welcome, and help us help you better.
This month I have lots of good stuff for you following on from last month's Newsletting announcing the total website overhaul and fresh new design - thanks for all the lovely comments!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Speaking of which, our new site is growing and evolving, and now many sections have places for you and other site visitors to post a Comment on the pages, it will start to grow into a community. Wherever you see a 'Comment' tag at the bottom of an article, interview or info page, feel free to drop us a note which will appear on that web page. Your comment/suggestion might just help the next person who visits that page.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREEBIE DOWNLOADS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do you have or want to have a business?
The following free ebooks will give you more information than you can possibly imagine to help you in many facets of business - online and offline.
You don't need to sign up for anything, just visit our webpage and click the buttons to download and read the PDFs at your leisure.
Download one, or download the lot - you'll learn a ton of fabulous information in each of these, and I highly recommend them - I use them myself :)
o Local Business Masters Course [Is Your Business Local?]
o WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course [Work At Home Moms]
o Netwriting Masters Course
o Affiliate Masters Course
o Service Sellers Masters Course [Do You Sell A Service?]
o Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course
o Make Your Price Sell! The Masters Course
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERVIEWS WITH A TWIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The new 'Interviews With A Twist' section of our site is getting lots of web traffic!
If you'd like YOUR profile to appear, so you can answer our questions, simply fill in our form and let me know you'd like to take part - I'll then email you the questions:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLOG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A couple of blog entries you might like to read ...
How to delete $48 billion - ouch!
Where to Announce Your Blog - oldie but a goodie!
To read more, look for the links for archived blogs in the right hand menu.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMAGES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do you need images for your website, or are you challenged at how to make them just the right size for emailing and the internet? You might find these two web pages hold all the answers for you:
Does your graphic need to go on a diet?
The link below also shows you where to download F-R-E-E software for Macs and Windows PCs when you don't own Photoshop - I've used them both and they're fantastic!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARTICLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please read the lastest Articles:
o  7 Steps to Creating Your Own Podcast [Category: Websites]
o  Web Design Checklist #001 [Category: Websites]
o  Are you listening to your customers? [Category: Customers]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW TO PLAN A WEBSITE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We have several pages of info to help you plan your website:
o  How to Plan a Website
o  Web Design Checklist #001
o  Pick a colour, any colour!
Pick the colours for your fonts, web pages in one easy location!
o  Do you have a couple of hours?
Check this huge list of web stuff I've added to the site - from animation to banners to browsers to clipart, photo and graphics, to design, fonts and HTML!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNTIL NEXT MONTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well I think that's a ton of information to keep you all busy for another month!
Let me know your thoughts - either click the Comment link at the bottom of a lot of the pages, leave a comment on the Blog, or simply fill in our easy online form:
Until next month, good luck with your business adventures!
News : Blues : Reviews
1. Website Tips
If you have a website, when was the last time you REALLY looked at it?
I'm going to ask you to try something - bear with me on this, as it's really important.
Pick a morning where you can put aside an hour or two and write the Appointment with yourself in your diary. It's best if you're fresh and alert, so first thing in the morning is a good idea.
Make a tea or coffee, feel relaxed, turn off the email announcement, turn off the cellphone, put your normal phone on voicemail, and commit yourself to looking - REALLY looking - at your website.
Pretend this is the first time you've visited it, so let's do a search on the internet, and pick any page which isn't the Home page.
What do you see?
>> Can you tell immediately what this website is about?
>> With a quick glance can you work out what product or service is available on this website?
>> Without jumping to the Home page, do you think other website visitors might KNOW what the site is all about - if they landed on any one of the 'internal' web pages?
>> If your answer is 'Yes!', that's fantastic! Give yourself a chocolate biscuit.
>> If your answer is 'No.', then you've got work to do ... and fast!
>> Start making notes about the page you're on
1. Is it obvious what this site does or sells?
2. Is it easy to see HOW to buy or find the product or service?
3. Is there a 'call to action' asking you to buy, read, click or do something?
4. Is the navigation easy to understand and follow?
5. Is there an easy way to contact the website owner [or Support Team] - by phone or email - within one click?
6. Is the information fresh and up-to-date, or has it been on the webpages for a couple of months or more?
7. If there are photos or images, are they sharp and clear and relevant?
8. Is the font size easy to read?
9. Is the design pleasing, and not too cluttered?
10. If this WASN'T your site, would you think it was great?
I want you to consider all these questions, and be honest with yourself. Could your site do with a bit of housekeeping? Just so you won't think that yours would be the only one, most websites need a bit of tidying up quite regularly. The website owners who never bother to look at their websites with fresh eyes are really missing out.
If you've got lots of regular clients and visitors, you'll be amazed at the difference a change of photo or background colour can make.
It pleases the visitors - and most importantly - it lets them know YOU care about your own website enough to make it welcoming.
So go make that appointment now, and let me know how you go! I'd love to hear about the changes you put in place.
2. BlogLines
Here are some recent posts - feel free to post a Comment on any one of them:
>>Â smARTist Telesummit 18-26 Jan 2007
>>Â What IS a Sub-Directory?
>>Â Where to Announce Your Blog
>>Â Â How to make great passwords
>> Easy Peasy SEO -
>> Add mini website snapshots to your site! -
>> BuildAWebsiteTonight's new store online! -
>> High tech umbrella - Pileus
>>Â 28 Top Web Tips
>> RSS feeds - I finally did it!
>> Proofreading booboos on websites -
>> Free PDF booboos to avoid
>> Does your image need to go on a diet? -
>> Five Tools for Spying on Your Competition -
3. Comments from the Blog
Has someone stolen your content?
Hi Teena!
This is great!! I knew about one or two of the links you list, but will have a look at the new-to-me ones.
I find my material on a new website at least once a week, and the thing that annoys me is they just 'farm' my sites for content so they can it on their own ad-laden sites.
from, 'Tired of being an Adsense Cow!'
Websites : What will they think of next?
While I am not so sure about the site content, I have to admire the way you show how to better market it!
Thanks for giving me a few ideas, though none of them include painting with *any* part of my body.
Blog :: Bring visitors to your site
Does this work for comments too? Or just new blog posts?
How often do you post a new blog story?
My reply : Post new blog entries daily, weekly, whatever you can, as long as you do it for as far into the future as you can.
Teena, Further to your article - My Pantihose have been Googled! [], I wanted to mention this tip.
I do volunteer web work for a Canadian charity - - Starthrower Foundation that works in Haiti, and post regular updates intended mainly for subscribers. As well, the charity takes its name from a popular poem/story "The Starthrower".
The updates content is varied, as the founder mentions various shipping lines, airlines, schools and local products and produce, as well as fundraising events. Consequently, and inadvertently, we get visitors to the site who are looking for that poem, or looking for the price of pork and beans in Los Angeles, or for Caribbean transportation schedules.
But when it comes to driving unintended traffic to this site, the No. 1 position has always gone to the photos. (Picture being worth a thousand words and all that.)
So for what it's worth, if you can logically incorporate original photos into your site design, you will likely get traffic from those who wouldn't otherwise be aware of your site or services. If even a small percentage of those visitors are converted to sales, that's a bonus.
Karen - Snapshot
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Psst:Â If you comment on my blog posts, your url [website name] will have an additional link back to your site, and if any of the stories get picked up or talked about, you'll have the added bonus of extra traffic!
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Whether you're already in business, thinking of going into business, have a hobby business 'on the side', or just starting to think about owning a website, everybody has different things along the way they'd like help with. I try to cover all the topics I receive from the Newsletter sign up, and I thought it might be a good idea to ask if you have anything you'd like to know more about, which will be of interest to our other subscribers.
If I haven't covered your topic, or if you have a new one, I'd love to hear from you. Simply pop over to the online form:
and make the SUBJECT : Biz Challenge [so I can filter the responses].
I'll pick a couple to work on for each upcoming Newsletter, and will publish your questions.
Let me know if you have any other ideas to make the Newsletter more beneficial to you all.
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I hope your holiday season was full of joy and laughter, and I hope you're ready to devote quality time to your dreams for this coming year!
Ciao for now,