Testimonials for website design and business mentoring

I love the fact that I can make changes that I want on all my pages in one go! Before the CMS, I used to have to go to each page individually - that's right, one at a time! - which meant I did not make those changes.
The CMS is very easy to use and Teena's support is amazing and so is the collection of video tutorials she makes for the most-asked questions. I'm really excited and thrilled with the change and it means I will be able to implement some ideas I have for the coming year quickly and easily.
Michelle Rea | Inspired by Michelle Cake Designs | Sydney, Australia April 2010
Teena says: Psssst! If you live in Sydney and ever need the most amazing cake design you can imagine, check out Michelle's website and fill in the form to ask for a Quote on your cake.
Tell her Teena sent you :-)
Teena, thank you for all your help with my website, you've been wonderful in guiding us through our first foray into the web and making it all a little less scary!
I love your Newsletter! My most immediate result from your fabulous tips was using the 30 Second Elevator Pitch to talk about my business last night at the Business & Bubbles networking evening. I'd met a few new people who were able to give me some leads to follow, and also bumped into some people I know. The pre-prepared Pitch allowed me to relax when talking about my business, instead of feeling it's too complicated to explain. Fabulous!
Kind regards,
Kim Mullins
Teena provides fantastic pre-customer service that is unbelievable. Helpful and knowledgeable are two qualities that don't always go hand in hand, yet Teena has an unbeatable combination ... I would recommend you speak to Teena first and last. Thanks so much, Teena, you've helped so much."
Narelle Stratford
Teena, I've already turned three friends on to your website. They've called to thank me saying, "Where did you find her?". You know, I can't remember. :-)
Gary, USA
You are simply AWESOME! Thanks for your Website Review. All your comments make such good sense. Thanks. And yes, anybody can benefit from these tips. I particularly like suggetion no. 5. You are right of course.
I've not yet "advertised" the site. it's active now, but not yet tweeted about it until it has taken your advice up.
Thanks so much !
Author's website in Paris, France
Teena I love the video format! (Video Newsletters 2010)
Can't wait for more tips this way, it is a much quicker way of learning!
Thanks, Michelle
When we were setting up our charity, one of the requirements of our application was to submit a business plan. Since none of us had any experience formulating business plans, we weren't sure of how to proceed.
But by following BuildAWebsiteTonight.com's basic one-page business plan, we were able to focus on our goals and clarify our objectives. The completed business plan was a big part of our successful registration.
Thank you so much for helping make a mole hill out of a mountain!