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My name is Teena Hughes and I've been helping businesses in many countries for over 20 years, so I have plenty of tips to share. I'm a bit of a 'techie girl' too so I'll also be sharing info on websites, domains, hosting, business issues, internet marketing - on a budget AND a shoe-string.
As technology evolves, I'll explain about the new techie tips too. I'll also provide video tutorials to show you how to do simple things on your computer in simple step-by-step lessons.
Feel free to read the Latest Video Newslettter here >>
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There is so much info available on millions of websites, I'm thrilled you've found mine ... you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks about the internet, about your small business, your website creation.
How often?
The Newsletter/eZine will appear in your email inbox approximately every month -emphasis on the word 'approximately' :-)
Share your stories & tips
If you would like to share a snippet from your website / business / computing history, I would love to hear from you - simply reply to any Newsletter, Article or other topic in this website wherever you see the COMMENTS link below it.
PSSSST! If you haven't already signed up, fill in the form above. If you have filled it in, please remember you may receive information from us every now and then, and from companies affiliated with us. And it goes without saying [except I will say it here] that we value your privacy - we will never share your email name.
Looking forward to sharing your online adventure!