How To Plan A Website - SEO Experiment Day 01
In my webstats today I noticed "how to plan a website" - an SEO Experiment is what I'm about to do :-)
This was one of the keyword phrases people were typing into the search engines to find one of my pages. I click on the link which took me to Google and showed me at the top of Page 2, which isn't too bad, but I got to thinking ...
It's a long time since I wrote that page, maybe 5 years ago, and I now know so much more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I decided to give myself a little challenge ... I'd like to see if I could make a few changes and bring this page into the first page of results on Google. You might like to follow along and see how I'm doing :-)
19th May 2010
- Google Page Rank = 3
- Incoming Google Links = 0 (oh dear! I didn't know about linking strategies way back when)
- Alexa Rank for site = 421,222
- Age of website = Dec 2004
- you can see all this info in the second image below, underneath the info about my website
- I'm using Firefox and the SEO Quake plugin to see this info when I do searches.
Above: this is what people typed into Google - that's right, 362 MILLION results!!
Above: here's my website, at the top of Page 2 - oh so close to being on Page 1 of the search engine results page!
I have a few ideas on what I can do to increase the SEO for this webpage:
- check the Meta Tags - Title, Description, Keywords
- check the Image url and tags
- decide on a strategy to create incoming links from other popular websites
That's enough to get started - I'll let you know what I do and the changes which occur - fingers' crossed!
I'll be writing about my updates in the YOUR BIZ HOT TIPS Newsletter, so if you sign up you'll be notified.
PS - if you'd like to leave a Comment, offer a word of encouragement :-) etc, tell me about your efforts to do something similar, I'd love to hear from you can - simply do so below this article where it says ADD A COMMENT.
Thanks in advance!