Why do I need a Business Plan?
If you're wondering, "Why do I need a Business Plan?" and you're about to start a business or a website, then you've just asked the perfect question.
I like to think of a Business Plan as a list of my dreams for my business' future - mostly because the phrase 'business plan' always scared me as being too hard to think about, too hard to understand, too hard to do.
Once I realised all I had to do was document all the things I'd love to have happen in my business for the next 3 to 5 years, it was MUCH easier to do!
So now the writing of the business plan becomes easier, but what many many people don't understand is that it actually becomes your To Do List for your business. That's right - it lays out all the things you need to do, the steps you need to take, to make each dream/idea a reality. As the months pass, you need to go back into your business plan and update it, tweak it, to reflect your new knowledge and YES your new ideas - I'm sure you'll have them :-)
Here are three business plans you can find on my website - plus I've added some videos below which you might like:
F-r-e-e One Page PDF Version to PRINT |
$9.99 - 42 page Rich Text Version to TYPE on |
Here are the videos which I think might be interesting for you - hopefully they'll answer your question, "Why do I need a Business Plan?" - they're about the reasons for having a business plan in place BEFORE you start your business, and some tips along the way.
I hope you enjoy them! PS - Do you have any stories about your business plan? Or perhaps you have tips to share with others? I love to hear about others' experiences so if you'd like to share, click the ADD A COMMENT link below. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
A Business Plan Competition! Win $10,000 | video posted 31st March, 2010
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In this video, Score brings valuable insights into the reasons for having a business plan:
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