Mobile DJ Business Plan Tips
An excellent resource for Mobile DJ Business Plan tips is a CD called The DJ Business Essentials Super Pack.
If you're thinking about starting a Mobile DJ business, then this CD is perfect for you.
It's chock full of everything you need to know to plan your business, write your business pland and marketing plan, get funding (loans) and all the steps to make your business successful.
Buying this Mobile DJ starter pack CDcould save you months of hard work trying to figure all this out.
Quick Tips for Mobile DJs
Now that you are ready to write your Business Plan you might like to download the 42 page Business Plan - just click on the link.
This Business Plan is already written - you just need to fill in the bits relevant to your Mobile DJ business covering cash flow forecast and profit and loss forecast etc - it contains helpful guidance notes right the way through.
As part of your research for your new Mobile DJ business venture you will need to thoroughly research the sector in which your business will operate.
What is the Plan for?
There are two reasons why a Business Plan is written.
First of all, anyone that you are going to approach for funding or loans for the business needs to see that your proposal has been carefully -- and thoroughly -- researched. They will want to know
* how the business will operate;
* why you consider that it will be successful; and
* what financial performance to expect.
Secondly, but no less importantly, you need to set out clearly your objectives and targets (think of this as your dreams and goals) so that you can monitor your own performance once the business is up and running.
What should I put in the Plan?
The downloadable Business Plan sets out all the sections that you need to include in your business plan and gives you headings under which to cover the following matters.
History of the business. If the business has been up and running for a while and now you propose to expand, or change direction, you should include some details of
* when it first started;
* how it has performed financially; and
* how the new project will build on the existing business.
The proposed business. You should include in this section an outline of the business you plan to set up, saying
* how it is different from its competitors;
* what are its unique features (the Unique Selling Point, or USP); and
* why customers will choose your business or products.
The market research you carried out as part of estimating your cash sales will help you with this.
Who will manage your business. Anyone lending money for your business will want to be reassured that you and anyone else involved in running the business will have the necessary management skills. You should include details of previous management experience, identifying strengths and recognising any weaknesses by saying how you will overcome these.
Your market. It is very important that you identify the sector of the market that your business will operate in and whether this is growing, static or contracting. You should set out your strategy for
* winning market share and keeping customers loyal to you;
* identifying who will be your major competitors and how you will deal with any possible threat to your business;
* pricing, advertising and selling.
Practical matters. In this section you should cover
* where the business premises will be;
* the equipment you will need;
* where your supplies will come from; and
* other operating details
The figures - the financials. As well as a business plan, you will also need to complete a cash flow forecast and a profit and loss forecast for your new business venture. You should include notes explaining all the reasoning behind the figures you include.
Financials are mostly guesses, because you really don't know yet what the costs will be. So you need to estimate - "guesstimate" - what the expenses and income will be.
These notes should identify anything that might affect these forecasts, to demonstrate that you have anticipated the possibility that things may not go exactly according to plan. (Your accountant will be able to help you with these forecasts.)
You will need to think about the things which you really hope WON'T happen - then document them, and write a proposed solution for each one. For example, loss or theft of equipment; car breaks down; cancellation of a gig - how do you plan to cope with situations like this? Will there be fees charged for cancellations, etc? By thinking about this in advance, and writing it into you business plan, you will prove that you really have given this much thought and planned for every eventuality for your Mobile DJ business.
The future. You should outline how you see your business growing and developing in the future. If you are looking to raise money for your venture you should include details of how much you will need and how the money will be repaid.
Make your business sound interesting to a prospective investor by stressing its unique features and demonstrating how well you have researched the market.
Books about the Mobile DJ business
I have found some books about becoming a Mobile DJ which might be of help to you, simply click the link to read about them.
I wish you all the very best of luck for your Mobile DJ business!