How will visitors find my website on the internet?
Q: I just started a small business called FRENCH FLAIR DESIGN. When I search, there are 195,000 results!
Why can't I see my business in the search results?
Excellent question! There are millions of webpages and websites on the internet today, and it IS hard to find any business/website name.
To see your Listing in the search engines (Google, Bing etc) type your business name with inverted commas / speech marks / double quote marks around it. This 'holds' the phrase together for the search, for example:
instead of typing :
french flair design
"french flair design"
Results #1:
Results #2
Please watch this video to follow the steps I take:
PS - the video takes a few seconds to load ... click the triangle to start the video; to view the controls, hover you mouse over the bottom part of the video.
If people ALREADY know your business name, chances are they will type your business name PLUS the town or city you are in, to narrow down their search. You do have your location on all your webpages, don't you? If not, you need to add this to make searching for you easier. You can also add your zipcode or postcode to your keywords, to narrow down the search for your visitors if they type that in too. Think of all the ways someone might search for your website - all the search words they might type - and then make sure those words and phrases are (1) listed in your Meta Tag Keywords (behind the scenes in the html) and (2) on your webpages.
Please understand that will millions of websites vying for attention on the internet across many countries, it is very likely that there will be other businesses with the same business name as yours.
If the name of your business is more generic than unique, you will be listed amongst other businesses with the same name. If your business name is truly one-of-a-kind, a simple search will find you first time.
To ensure that there are MANY pages for your business online (and to improve your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPS)), you need to keep creating lots of interesting content so that the search engines keep coming back to look at your site regularly. The least that you need to do is add one new page every month. You can increase this by adding a News feature, and updating the news about your site monthly, fortnightly or even weekly.
The more web pages you have with interesting targetted and focussed content, with your business name prominently on each page and within the content, the more chances you have of starting to climb the search engine results.
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any questions. Best of luck with your website!
Teena Hughes
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