7 Steps for Using Twitter & Your Website to Build Your Business - Idea #01
Using Twitter can be great fun, a great way to meet like-minded people, but mostly it's a simply marvellous way to share information and be kind to those whose paths you cross.
If you'd like to use Twitter to build your business and to find your own fans who'd like to follow you, it helps to have a webpage/blog/article to backup your tweet.
Here's what I do - my 7 Steps for Using Twitter:
- get an idea for a tweet, to answer a questions, to provide a tip or solution, to help others
- create a webpage or blog about this topic
- create a video (if you are comfortable doing that)
- upload the video to Youtube etc, making sure you use your URL and keywords
- write the web page or blog post using your keywords strategically
- include the Youtube embed code in the page or blog, and publish it
- write your tweet on Twitter.
All of this can take less than a half an hour.
What you've achieved:
- you've written a well-thought-out interesting page, post or article
- the search engines will be excited to see new content on your site or blog and will come scurrying over to see what you've been up to
- if your keywords and content are fabulously in synch, the little search robots jump for joy and add you to their search engine results page
- you've created two powerful inbound/incoming links to your webpage - one on Twitter, and one on Youtube (post in more places, get more link juice from more incoming links)
- the search engine robots will be tripping over themselves and patting each other on the back - this content MUST be good because it's already got 2 incoming links! woohoo
- the search engine robots push your website up the ladder even further because you now have a web page or blog post which has authority, because 2 other sites have linked to the page
More quick steps for excellent incoming links to each webpage
- Now, let's take this a few steps further
- write a quick article and post it on a couple of article directories
- use Posterous to distribute your content further
- post links on forums related to your topic and ask (yes, ask) people to give you feedback on what you've written
- because you've asked nicely, folks will be kind, visit your page, give you feedback ... and this becomes actual live traffic to your site
- the search engine robots ... well, you know how excited they'll be :-)
- there are many, many places online to distribute your information like this
- every time you post the full link url to one of your pages, the search robots gets excited, so make this something you do at least once a week - if possible, post a link a day, or create a page a day, and before you know it, your webpage will be zooming up the ranks of the Search Engine Results page when people type in the keywords you wrote about.
I hope this makes it all make sense, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a note to let me know if you try this and how it works for you.