My website just launched, now what?
39 web tips in 7 categories to get you started on marketing your new website
CONGRATULATIONS! Your website is LIVE on the internet!
You deserve a huge pat on the back for making your dream come true - bravo!!
The 39 Tips
The first tip is the most important - you must have your META TAGS in place before you do anything else on this page. Meta Tags are in the HTML of your webpages, and must be different for each page. Meta Tags are TITLE, DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS.
Now you need to think about how to :
set up WEB STATISTIC software to track all your visitors
get people to VISIT your site
get your website LISTED in the search engines
know if you have broken links within your site
make sure your MESSAGE is on every page of your site
put a CALL TO ACTION on every page of your site
send PRESS RELEASES to announce your site.
Whether you're on a big or small budget, or have a budget of ZERO dollars, there are ways to bring people to your site.
Ready? Click the link to get started.
Click this link to get started >>