Improving Your Online Visibility - by Email Coaching with Teena Hughes
For Personalized One-on-One Help, Let Me Answer Your Questions About Using Internet Marketing Strategies in Your Business
You Will Receive Your Own Private Message Board Where You And I Communicate Daily
Dear Online Website & Business Owner,
My name is Teena Hughes, and while it is impossible for me to personally interact with everyone who wants to talk to me about the Internet marketing strategies they're using in their online business or offer free personal consultations, I realised I could help people by offering some kind of affordable one-on-one coaching for a limited number of positions.
I've decided to offer a limited number of memberships to my new offer, Improving Your Online Visibility Coaching by Email Coaching Program.
The cost is $A97.00 per month, which is a drop-in-the-bucket for what most "gurus" would charge for this kind of access.
(Hint: My normal rate is $150.00 for a one-hour Internet Marketing consultation ... which is considered "cheap" in this industry. And private telephone coaching with me is $350/month.) Minimum commitment is for one month.
Here is what the personal coaching by email includes ...
1) Your own private, personal online email message board.
When you join this program you'll be given access to a private message board where you and I will communicate on a personal, one-on-one level via online email communication. You are the only one who has access to this message board (other than me). No one else will see your questions or the answers that I give, and no one will have access to any ideas that you share with me.
2) Answers to your questions.
You may ask me ONE question per day via the message board (Monday-Thursday ... I don't do weekends :-) related to some aspect of marketing your business online. That's a total of four questions per week.
Every morning around 11:00 am Sydney time, I'll login into your message board and answer your question. This is the highest level of one-one-on personal internet marketing consultation that you'll find by email. Ask me your most pressing questions about what's on your mind ...
- What's the fastest way to find local clients?
- Which of these domain names seems best?
- How do I increase traffic to my website or blog?
- How can I improve the title for my free giveaway?
- What can I do to increase my ezine open rate?
- What should I include in my autoresponder followup?
- How can I improve my credibility online?
- How do I start my own affiliate program?
Any question related to to Internet marketing strategies is permitted. Yes, that includes marketing, list-building, traffic generation, etc.
For this fee, please do not expect me to do any research on your behalf (i.e. how much money do dog groomers make online each year?) nor review any documents. I'm happy to look at titles, headlines, or graphics, but cannot do any document review at this price.
Please note that if I have written an article which is very similar to your question, I will provide you with the link to read more (or download the checklist, watch the video, or listen to the podcast etc).
If you need more in-depth assistance, I can offer a Marketing Intensive program which might be a better option for you.
3) Online Visibility Assessment to help you determine in what areas you need to focus your energy and efforts
4) Access to the articles, downloads, templates, and checklists available on
If you want to ask my opinion about an idea, seek a recommendation for improvement, clear up something you are unclear about, get a suggestion for your best option, and/or just ask a question to help you make the best choice ... I'm here for you in your Private Message Board.
Here's how it works...
1. You join through the SUBSCRIBE NOW button below and make your first month's payment.
(You will be automatically charged each month on the anniversary of the day you join ... and you may cancel any time you like.)
2. Upon completion of your payment I will be notified by email, and I will set up your Private Message Board. You will then be emailed with your login details, and I will ask you to complete a form with you details for my records.
3. You can then login to the communication area and send me a message that you've successfully set up your board. Then, post your first question!
Before you join, let me mention two things...
Firstly, I can't guarantee your success. You know that and I know that, but it's something I must say anyway. I will offer my expert opinion based on my own experience and knowledge, but there are no guarantees. You agree to hold me harmless for any result that occurs from my coaching.
Secondly, there are no refunds available. Because I can't get back my time, you can't get back your money. I'll be happy to work with you to make you happy ... but if you're looking for a guarantee for a refund, then this isn't for you.
4. Cancellation Policy: You can cancel at any time (after the first month, so minimum payment is one month) when you feel your coaching is done, and you've learnt what you need to learn for the moment. When notified of your cancellation, I'll make the appropriate adjustments to your account to cancel on the date specified (which will be the anniversary of your sign-up date).
Now the "negatives" are out in the open and out of the way, let's focus on the "positive"! This is truly going to be a life-changing experience and I'm proud to be able to personally work with a select few in a new way. I'm really looking forward to it.
If you're ready, I am too! You can literally get started hearing from ME today.
So let's get started together ...please click the SUBSCRIBE NOW button >>