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I do a lot of social networking with social media, and there are many ways to leverage you book, whether print-on-demand, self-published or published by a publishing company.
Create your own book’s website, and use some (or all) of these tips:
All of this creates additional content, and if you SEO your pages, the search engine robots will come by often to see what all the activity is about :-) Trust me, this one WORKS!
This may not be suitable for a book, but on one of my websites I give away a free gift each month, name drawn from the list of subscribers. The gift has a perceived value of $35, and because it’s f-r-e-e, friends tell friends tell friends. This could be juicy tips as a PDF which is 'not in the book, not on the website, secret info only an insider would know” (for example).
Hope this helps someone, and congratulations on writing a book!