Teena's Twitter Tips
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Are you communicating with your Twitter followers? Look at your last 20 tweets - is every one a link back to your site? Oh ohh.
When I consider following someone on Twitter, I always look at their last 20 tweets to get a feel for whether or not their information may interest me. Watch the video and then follow the text below, please let me know if you have any questions :-)
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If I see a whole long list of tweets pointing back to a website, and no tweets sharing information or retweeting others, I am a lot less inclined to follow this person.
Of course it does depend on what you want to follow - if it's Daily Tips of some kind, you might not expect to see interaction, but if it's someone with a business who's trying to build brand recognition, or at least get noticed on Twitter, then they really should talk with their followers.
Whenever I have time, I look at my recent Followers and have a quick read of their tweets - if there's something I can comment on or retweet (RT), I do so. This starts to build an online connection with another tweeter - and it might even be a competitor - where sharing becomes normal and we can learn from each other.
Not sure HOW to interact? Simply find one tweet from one of your followers - or someone whom you follow - and comment on it. "Nice article." -- "Great tips - thanks!" -- "Excellent - I'll try that on my own website". It's not so difficult once you get started, and is well worth the small amount of effort you will put in.
After all - you may be doing this to build your business, get known, share your wonderful products and services with the world ... and what better way than to have people who like your tweets and want to share them with their own followers.
Good luck with your twitter pursuits! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :D
To follow me on Twitter >> http://twitter.com/build_website
Teena Hughes
My other How-To Videos on YouTube - watch them here: