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Would you like to gather information from your site visitors?

A Custom Form is an excellent way to do this.

Login to your account - click on the Login button, and a new window will open.

You will see this login:

Type in your Username and Password, click xxx

Click on the Page Manager link.

Create a new page if needed, or click on a current page you have already set up. In the column on the right, click on the icon to change the page type.

Choose Create/Edit Customised Form.

Type in the names of the fields you would like people to fill in, set up multi-choice questions:

For more detailed instructions, click on the HELP link when you are creating the form. You can also download the USER Manual [in the left menu when you login], to keep by your computer.

When you've finished making all your changes, click on the SUBMIT button to save your changes. You can make changes at any time.

Not too difficult, was it?



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