Make Twitter Tweets Short & Sweet
Hey there! Teena Hughes here ... and yes, I'd like you to make your Twitter tweets short and sweet!
I can hear you say, "Shorter than 140 characters??!!?"
Yes, make your Twitter tweets SHORTER than 140 characters.
The reason you need to do this is so that people will RETWEET your tweet, and if it's already 140 characters long, they then have to decide which of your words to leave out, delete, eradicate - and they might be the words you wish they'd left in.
So - make it easy for people who like your Twitter messages - "short and sweet tweet" is the mantra of the day :-) Here is a quick video I made to show you what I mean.
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Tips on reducing the number of characters in a Tweet
Here are some of the tricks I use to shorten tweets for retweeting:
- and = &
- remove the word "the" where possible
- you = U
- are = R
- long links can go through a link shortening service like
- for = 4
- to = 2
- very = v. (as in very good = v. good - or - v. gd)
- a = remove it where possible
- thanks = thx
- minute = min
- minutes = mins
- at = @
Things to do
- Visit
- Visit my Twitter Account :
- Create an account at
Hope these tips help!
Teena - PS - don't forget to sign up for the Video Newsletter - Your BIZ Hot Tips >>
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